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To access your email through a web browser, simply navigate to the search bar and enter your domain :2096 ( Once logged in, click on the Roundcube email client to view, send, receive, and manage your emails using the browser interface.

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Submit your request to our service team and we will create the desired email account(s).  You will receive an email with the login information for the newly created email account(s). Once logged in, change your password.

Write up all the new content in a document and send it to our team via email to [email protected] or fill out the request form and add the shared document link in the ticket. We will review it and provide recommendations on how best to integrate it into your existing site structure and page.

We regularly monitoring the website for any issues, errors, or downtime. All plugins, themes, and other software components are updated to the latest versions in accordance with selected hosting plan's maintenance schedule.

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